Acquire world-class accounting talent for a fraction of what you pay in the US.

Sound finances are the key to your company’s long-term resilience. Whether it’s planning for your next strategic initiative or getting a firmer grip on your books, our experienced Philippines accountants lay a robust foundation for you to achieve your every goal. See why the world’s top companies trust Sound Decisions for their offshore accounting talent. All for 70% less than the average salary of a US CPA.

It’s never been more difficult to find experienced accountants. But Sound Decisions has cracked the code.

A strong team of seasoned accountants is the lifeblood of a successful business. From accurate analysis of financial statements to insights for cash flow and inventory, your accountants provide the data you need to propel your organization forward. But in the United States over 300,000 of accountants and auditors left their jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic, And the number of graduates sitting for the CPA exam dropped from 72,271 in 2021 to 67, 335 in 2022. The fact that the US CPA exam requires 150 college credits – which is 30 credits more than the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in accounting – has contributed to the shortage. 

By demanding US candidates take graduate courses or have a master’s to sit for the exam, it’s become harder for companies to find qualified, dependable accountants in the United States at short notice. But with Sound Decisions you can field highly qualified, highly certified accountants from the Philippines who are eligible to sit for the US CPA exam. It’s a significantly cheaper and faster option for firms seeking skilled accountants without having to pay a premium for US talent. The bottom line is you’ll never have to worry about searching for accountants when you tap into our remarkable talent pool. All it takes is a short discovery call to have a team of skilled accountants ready to go.

Did you know that the CPA exam in the Philippines is so difficult only a third of Filipino accountants pass? That’s compared to 45-50% in the US.

Have you ever put out a job post for a US accountant, only to receive a glut of applicants with no CPA license? Are you tired of hiring ordinary bookkeepers for sky-high US salaries? Discover why top accounting firms like Deloitte, KPMG, and Ernst & Young have all outsourced their accounting functions to the Philippines. Filipino accountants have consistently achieved the highest pass rates for our proprietary exam, consisting of a technical test, a knowledge test, and a word problem.

We’re so confident in the ability of our candidates that we offer a contract to hire plan. It works like this. For six months, we’ll employ your accountant, but they’ll work exclusively for you. We charge you the equivalent of $20 an hour to select a candidate, identify any skill gaps, and integrate them into your firm. After six months, you’ll have the option of a direct hire for 30% of the candidate’s starting salary. So you only invest in a direct hire after you’re satisfied with the results of our candidates. And by outsourcing to the Philippines you ensure your dollar to value ratio is off the charts.

Capable accountants at your disposal.

New advances in communications technology have made managing a remote team of accountants easier than ever before. Moreover, our outstanding customer service and hands-on culture have made us a trusted resource for top companies looking to reap the benefits of our outsourced accounting talent in the Philippines. Here’s a few of the advantages to improve your peace of mind when you work with Sound Decisions:

Cost Effective Accountants

Whether you’re looking for direct hires or contracts to hire, our network of Philippines accountants costs nearly 70% less than US hires. Whereas the minimum salary for a US accountant starts at $30 an hour, it costs $7 or $8 an hour in the Philippines. A veteran accountant with a master’s and CPA license will cost you just $11 an hour. These cost-savings can then be reinvested into your company’s growth.

World-Class Collaboration

The numbers are in. Research has shown that diverse organizations surpass their nondiverse counterparts by nearly 35%, allowing you to attract and retain top talent like never before. Our Filipino accountants speak impeccable English and have a Western-oriented worldview, making for a seamless integration with your operation. Start reaping the benefits of a global, dynamic synergy today.

A Flexible Enterprise is a More Efficient Enterprise

Say goodbye to last minute crunches when your CPA is out of office. If a team member takes time off, our remote accountants is ready to pick up the slack. With Sound Decisions, you save the time, money, and stress of managing and staffing US accountants. We handle the training and management of your remote teams so you can focus on marketing and selling your products.
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When you need accountants on short notice, we’ll have them to you in as little as two days.

You can’t afford to be caught flatfooted for tax season. When you have a disorganized or understaffed back office come April, you waste critical resources and employee labor sorting through a snarl of tax documents on short notice. That means you risk the chance of missing filing deadlines, committing errors on your tax statements, and triggering tax penalties as well as IRS audits. Although a capable bookkeeping system prevents these mistakes from the outset, many accounting firms as well as private and public companies all need talented, dependable accountants at the drop of a hat.

Because our recruiters can leverage their knowledge and expertise of talent markets in the Philippines, we’re able to meet with you and present a selection of candidates in as little as two days. Better yet, join our exclusive list of email subscribers so you always have a back-up plan for your bookkeeping. You’ll receive a list of experienced accountants and a skill summary for each candidate when you subscribe for a minimum of $6,500. Choose between direct hire for 30% of the candidate’s starting salary or our contract to hire plan for six months. Whenever you need dependable accountants at short notice, our talent pool will be always at the ready. 
Got questions? Ready to hire? Reach out today and start collaborating with us! Our team is here to assist you in finding the perfect staffing and consulting solutions tailored to your needs.
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